About me

Welcome! I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT/Harvard in the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center. My work focuses on improving the prediction and inference of biological and physical systems by blending machine learning, mechanistic modeling, and data assimilation techniques. I aim to build robust, unifying theory for these approaches, as well as develop concrete applications. I have worked substantially in the biomedical sciences, and enjoy collaborating on impactful applied projects.

I am always interested in developing new collaborations. If you think our work is complementary, please send me a message!



  • Dynamical Systems
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Assimilation
  • Biomedicine


  • PhD in Computing + Mathematical Sciences, 2023


  • BA in Biophysics, 2015

    Columbia University

Recent Publications

Continuum Attention for Neural Operators
Hybrid Square Neural ODE Causal Modeling
Learning About Structural Errors in Models of Complex Dynamical Systems
Principles of Computation by Competitive Protein Dimerization Networks



Postdoctoral Fellow

Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center, Broad Institute of MIT/Harvard

Sep 2023 – Present Cambridge, MA

Postdoctoral Associate

Computing + Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology

Jun 2023 – Sep 2023 Pasadena, CA
Advised by Professor Andrew Stuart

PhD Student

Computing + Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology

Sep 2018 – Jun 2023 Pasadena, CA
Advised by Professor Andrew Stuart

Research Associate

Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University Medical Center

Jul 2015 – Jul 2018 New York, NY
Supervised by Professors David Albers, George Hripcsak, and Lena Mamykina